We’re taking a late-evening stroll in the City of the Dead. There’s no harm in that, right?
Our goals: Find and question Urstul Floxin – and – don’t get arrested
Without any other source of direction, we decided to use the Nimrod to give us a clue, and it worked! The thing was spinning quite rapidly. We followed it for a bit and located a mausoleum that seemed to be the source of the Nimrod’s flurry of action. We noticed movement up on top of the structure so we split up to approach. Shava snuck around one side while I snuck around the other. The rest of our party approached from the front. Tobby stealthily made his way to the entrance of the structure, and waited. When Shava and I met at the back, we realized that our silent approach was fairly loud, as the noises up above had stopped. Shava cast invisibility on me, and I climbed to the top of the structure. My ascent to the roof was a bit too noisy, and the man on top spun to look for me. He seemed to be holding down the Nimblewright in a threatening manner. I used a cleric trick and amazingly, it worked! The man rushed for my illusion and fell from the top of the structure. The others saw this and rushed to confront him. As I approached the Nimblewright, it stood and leapt an incredible distance off the roof. I swear it was easily a 60 foot jump! I made my way to the edge of the structure and again used some cleric abilities to convince the man that I was his friend. The man turned out to be Urstul, and we convinced him that we were looking to trade information for safe passage out of the city. He agreed and gave us his info, he also mentioned a map the Nimblewright had that would lead to the Stone of Golorr. I quickly realized the error in using a spell to convince the man. When the spell wears off, he will probably be a bit upset at me. There was no time to lose. We needed to get him to Sgt. Crawley quickly.
We took Urstul to our manor and Tobby locked him in the basement with a bit of quick thinking. I must admit, I didn’t like having this man in Lif’s space. I ran to fetch Sgt Crawley, leaving behind the sounds of Urstul trying to batter his way to freedom. I ended up interrupting Crawley in the middle of his duties and he agreed to meet us at our manor shortly. I returned to the manor to find that thankfully, Urstul had given up his attempt to escape as all was silent in the cellar. When Crawley arrived, we opened the cellar door and found Urstul dead – crushed by some of our stock. I knew Lif would not appreciate the intrusion, but this was a rather intense reaction! Crawley immediately suspected us, but we convinced him that it must have been an accident. He will return in 24 hours to meet with us again.
-The other half of our party-
Shava and Jumanji took the Nimrod to try and find the Nimblewright. They followed the signal back to the Temple of Gond. There, they spoke with Valetta who took them to see Nim. It turns out that the Nimblewright had returned, and Nim had disassembled it. They convinced Nim to give them the map it was carrying. They looked over the map and returned to the City of the Dead to follow its directions.