2025-02-05 Barony of Darkmoor Session 4

Session Notes

The heroes, who I’ve come to think of as the Circle of Darkmoor, set about questioning their captive, a dark cloak who had attempted to rob the Barony of its riches. And, as a separate matter, murder one of the Circle. Kog, of the Peoples, set about asking questions of this young miscreant. Unfortunately, he seemed to know little enough. He indicated that he was a member of a group of itinerant criminals who mostly plied their illicit trade by assaulting those moving through Darkmoor on the open road. The map that had been retrieved, he claimed, belonged not to who but to their ringleader. He said that he had never seen the map directly, himself, therefore could not explain its contents.

The captured criminal did, in attempting to negotiate the imposed sentence of six months’ labor (or eight months — retellings differ), claim that he could identify a local member of the wealthy classes who participated in identifying juicy targets for the criminals to rob in exchange for a share of the take.

To this end, the Duke sent forth word that a meeting would be held in Elder Pool where he might address his subjects, during which the criminal might be able to point out the person he claimed had cooperated with the criminals.

However, the Duke had more pressing matters. His desire to reclaim the Throne of Old drove him and the Circle to descend once again into the catacombs beneath the streets. They story that they recount, friends, of doorframes constructed of living bone, of a small army of reanimated corpses little more than that draping skin over murderous skeleton that meant to kill the young duke, at the bidding of a horror of multiple limbs and burning eyes, and behind it all, a spectral being of dead flame.

Though limited by the blood disease common to the Great Grey Family, the Duke and his allies prevailed. And, once again, the Duke of Darkmoor sits upon the ancient throne.

2025-01-28 Barony of Darkmoor Session 3

Session Notes

After returning to the Aldmaar Ranger camp as heroes, having rescued Merith Ermris and most of his crew, Mateo, one of the senior rangers advised that, without at all criticising Sylvar and the rescue team, it might be best if they were not around when the druid learned of the killing of the matron ankheg. Taking that into account, Syvar, Dixit, Anker and Juttah set out for Elder Pool.
Along the way, their slumber was disturbed by a woman astride a horse apparently fleeing some threat. The “woman” was revealed to be a female centaur ( a femtaur?) who was fleeing a pursuing ogre.
The rangers and Dixit, with some help from the centaur, Indira, managed to defeat the fell beast. She revealed that it had been pursuing her for some time and she had dragged him toward the campfire seeking help.
Continuing on with Indira interested in seeing Elder Pool for the first time, the party stopped at the Millcloud family farm where Dixit had previously stopped on his way to find Sylvar. They were greeted with warm hospitality. Farmer Millcloud reported that there had been murmurings of some creature over recent days that might match the description of the ogre that Dixit provided.
The next evening some odd goat-like bleatings were heard in the darkness but no threat materialized.
While the group of five was making their way to Elder Pool, Kog continued to supervise reconstruction activities near the Ragged Moon Inn. He found himself accosted by two dark cloak-types with rapiers inside the inn. When Kog separated the first of the miscreants from one of his limbs, the other fled outside. Pursuing, Kog learned that he was being lured into an ambush — two more of the dark cloaks were positioned in the ruins of the nearby tower with crossbows awaiting Kog’s arrival.
A fight ensued, with some of the locals taking up sticks and rocks to assist Kog. The dark cloaks were defeated and one rendered unconscious and taken captive. From another’s pocket a map was discovered, which appeared to indicate a safe approach to some ruined tower in what was probably the marshy land to the northeast.
Later that evening, the Duke, Hammond, Rosenkrantz; Arthur’s man-at-arms, and a member of the wee folk dressed like a dandy arrived at the Inn. This little man introduced himself as Buck Headstrong, Esquire, Chronicler to the Court.
The group discussed potentially taking on the catacombs again, now that the group’s numbers have swollen.
But first, there is a dark cloak to interrogate.

2025-01-21 Barony of Darkmoor Session 2

Session Notes

Arthur remained ensconced at the Ragged Moon tavern as his temporary seat of power. He immediately sent word (or word rapidly leaked out) that he was hiring laborers to conduct repairs at the tavern at least while he occupies it.
Kog identified that one or more laborers might be attempting to defraud the Baron and be paid multiple times for a single day’s labor. He quickly brought a stop to that.
Hammond volunteered to accompany Arthur to the Earl’s capital city of Gwinned to attempt to hire an engineer who might manage repairs within the Barony, especially at the Manor House. They two departed in a stage coach for a multi-day trip.
Kog remained to mind the construction efforts. Arthur seemed especially concerned that workers received prompt payment daily, for which purpose he left a large sack of coins in Kog’s care.
Arthur requested that Dixit seek out Sylvar of the Aldmaar peoples, who had been called away, it seemed, on urgent business and not yet returned.
Sylvar spent a couple days on the road, making his way to the Twisted Wood. He met the perimeter security forces, rangers in the trees, of the Aldmaars. He was then led to where Sylvar was preparing a rescue team, which he joined. It seems that a Merith Emris of the Aldmaars and his woodsy crew had set out to preempt a team of the King’s lumberjacks operating in the Wood but not returned after several days. The decision to send Sylvar and his associates to rescue Merith was far from unanimous, but Sylvar won the argument. Dixit joined this emergency team.
The Aldmaars and Sylvar made their way, tracking, through the dense forest. Crossing a cold, winter stream, they moved through a thicket and were confronted by a goblin tribe in the trees. A skirmish resulted. After regrouping, the elf team moved once again further and the goblins, this time, were willing to parlay. They reported that a group of elves had come through a few days prior, chasing a group of goblins. Both groups had moved through.
The elf group proceeded and came upon an area of loose earth, from which voices seemed to emerge. As did two large ant-beasts, which, when killed, splashed a thick glue onto those around them, temporarily immobilizing them.
After defeating the ant-beasts, the elves descended into the crude tunnels of their lair. Within, they located a sort of chamber where victims, some still clinging to life, were buried. While attempting to rescue Merith and the surviving members of his crew, the seeming ant-beast matron returned. More carnage ensued. Eventually, the elven crew defeated the great beast and managed to extricate themselves with Merith and some of his associates. And with one goblin, as well.
In Gwinned, Hammond sought out followers of San Nicholas. Befriending one such, he was brought to a hidden tavern filled with like believers.
He and Arthur would be spending at least another day in Gwinned, while Arthur sought his expert engineer.

2025-01-14 Barony of Darkmoor Session Notes

Session Notes

  • Party arrived with Arthur at the manor house, which, of course, had been damaged in the War and has fallen further into ruin. Arthur was shocked to find it in such a state and fell into a depression.
  • The party continued, on foot to the Ragged Moon Tavern. There, Lady Ravensbeak, the High Guildsmaster and the representative from Aldmaar all departed on separate business.
  • Arthur felt, sitting, sharing an ale and some bacon, some sense of familiarily at the Tavern, though he’d never been there. He approached a spot on the stone staircase and somehow, discovered and opened a concealed door, which seemed a surprise to everyone, even Master Louvel, Tavernkeeper.
  • Arthur and the party descended, discovering abandoned catacombs beneath the tavern. After forcing a door, they discovered a room filled with the long-withered bodies of soldiers, having died in some long-gone skirmish. As they moved into the room, the bones clattered to life and attacked the party. One skeletal being indicated Arthur and instructed his fellows to “kill him!”
  • The party managed to defeat this knot of rejuvenated corpses, finding a heavy ring on the leader with a symbol of a tentacles horror embossed in its steel. Kog had fallen in the fight, and continued to struggle with a poison. The party returned to the Ragged Moon, where Louvel tracked down the Town Witch and returned with an antidote for Kog.
  • Returning underground on the morning, as Arthur continued to report feeling drawn towards his collapsed manor and the throne therein, hoping that these catacombs might lead him thence, the party continued their explorations and, once again ran afoul of reanimated skeletons.
  • Two greater skeletons, one multi-limbed, with eyes of fire lead the fight with several minions. Another, cloaked entirely in fire instructed the four-armed skeleton to pursue Arthur. As the fight proceeded, the flaming skeleton disappeared. Dixit was surrounded and brought down by the skeletons. Cut off for a time from his allies, Dixit was being dragged away by the skeleton leader. The party fought their way through the rank of skeletons and managed to engage the skeleton leader before he could make away with Dixit. The party managed to smash through the remaining skeletons, though Hammond also fell from his wounds.
  • Arthur was able to staunch the bleeding of the two allies and after retreating once again to the tavern, they were able to recover from their wounds.
  • Arthur, abashed at having caused his new inner circle so much pain, indicated that they should not further pursue the catacombs, given the evil that seems so abundant underneath. Rather, he made arrangement with Louvel to rent out his rooms to temporarily make his court at the tavern.

The Installation of the Lord Baron of Darkmoor

You gathered before sunrise two days ago, just east of Elder Pool, where the High Way turns finally east. Horses and carriages had been sent by the Court. Each of you presented the wax-sealed summons that was your passport to Mainesbury and the “celebration.”

The royal guard, resplendent in their finery had treated each of you with appropriate respect, but with a firm hand. When the Royal, Lord Sparrowhawk had puffed out his vest about being seated amongst rabble, he had been informed in no uncertain terms that he was a guest of the King as were all those who had borne the sealed summons. You may have smirked at that.

The travel was long and you each had a chance to say something about yourselves, about the peoples that you represent and their hopes and fears for what a restored Baron in Darkmoor might mean.

After an overnight at an inn, where you had been helped to clean if unremarkable lodging, but good, warm food and better ale, you had continued. There had been some unrest on the road yesterday, but nothing the guard had any difficulty with. War, it seems, is imminent on the far eastern borders. Some suggest that it has already begun.

You have, personally, never before been to the capital. Mainesbury is vast. Wealthy beyond belief. More citizens worked the river, in their fishing boats, crabbing nets, water taxis and dredgers than live in all of Darkmoor. And that is merely the river. There are broad, mostly clean boulevards. Vast arches and pillars, shrines, monuments and glittering temples are seemingly around every corner. Dandies in their finery sip at cafes along the brickwork, rubbing elbows with artists and artisans, courtesans and plumbers.

Your trip through the streets of Mainesbury was dizzying, but did little to prepare you for the opulence and extravagance of the Royal Residence. The Court, with its marble-floored, silver-columned, frescoe-ceilinged richness was more than you could take in. At a certain point, it simply overwhelmed the senses. The smells of lilac and incense, the gold and ivory, the music in every chamber, the clever, concealed heating and lighting suffusing every room, despite the blustering wind outside.

You listened intently, for a time, at the pronouncements at the ceremony. Then, as the long lists were recounted, of lords and barons, relations and relations and webs of relations… who sired whom who later sired someone else.. your attention flagged. But, finally, he was revealed. Arthur Grey, Lord Grey. Now, at a sweeping gesture of the silvered sword from the great King, Baron of Darkmoor. The young man, clean-shaven, broad of shoulder and guileless in his demeanor. He accepted the honor with a seeming sincerity of gratitude that you found difficult to dislike, as much as you might have been prepared to do so.

Now, after the applause and the scraping, the hand-shaking and backslapping, you have been lea back to the carriages. To return to Darkmoor. Now, however, there is a great, ornate vehicle, drawn by a half-dozen pearl-white steeds at the front of your convoy. The emblem of a raven rampant on the silvered doors. The Earl of Eregore’s carriage, someone whispers to you. And here is young Arthur Grey, being introduced to each of you in turn by his man-at-arms in his heavy armor, the wolf of Darkmoor cut into the cuirass.

Lord Grey approaches you, an embarrassed smile on his face as he stretches out his hand. “I’m sorry,” he says. To you, the Baron of Darkmoor apologizes in his fine voice. “I did not catch your name.”