Session Notes
The heroes, who I’ve come to think of as the Circle of Darkmoor, set about questioning their captive, a dark cloak who had attempted to rob the Barony of its riches. And, as a separate matter, murder one of the Circle. Kog, of the Peoples, set about asking questions of this young miscreant. Unfortunately, he seemed to know little enough. He indicated that he was a member of a group of itinerant criminals who mostly plied their illicit trade by assaulting those moving through Darkmoor on the open road. The map that had been retrieved, he claimed, belonged not to who but to their ringleader. He said that he had never seen the map directly, himself, therefore could not explain its contents.
The captured criminal did, in attempting to negotiate the imposed sentence of six months’ labor (or eight months — retellings differ), claim that he could identify a local member of the wealthy classes who participated in identifying juicy targets for the criminals to rob in exchange for a share of the take.
To this end, the Duke sent forth word that a meeting would be held in Elder Pool where he might address his subjects, during which the criminal might be able to point out the person he claimed had cooperated with the criminals.
However, the Duke had more pressing matters. His desire to reclaim the Throne of Old drove him and the Circle to descend once again into the catacombs beneath the streets. They story that they recount, friends, of doorframes constructed of living bone, of a small army of reanimated corpses little more than that draping skin over murderous skeleton that meant to kill the young duke, at the bidding of a horror of multiple limbs and burning eyes, and behind it all, a spectral being of dead flame.
Though limited by the blood disease common to the Great Grey Family, the Duke and his allies prevailed. And, once again, the Duke of Darkmoor sits upon the ancient throne.