As I regained consciousness, I thanked Tymora for all must be well. Then I realized I was surrounded by the militia. Not again…
As I was taken to be questioned, I saw that my entire party lived through the encounter! At least all was not lost. I gave my answers and was returned to my friends to wait while the investigation continued. I discovered that Ranaer and Floon were being held prisoner in the warehouse, but the Xanathar had attacked and abducted Floon. Apparently, they thought that Floon was Ranaer, as they bear some resemblance. I learned that Shava found several dead bodies across the warehouse. There were five bearing Zhent markings and seven without any markings, save one who had a brand on his hand. The brand was a circle with ten radiating spokes. The bird-people were defeated. Tobby and Boaz were preparing to chase the last remaining bird-man to the upstairs office, when Stagat and the local watch knocked down a door for their grand entrance.
We were expected to remain in the warehouse, but were free to talk and move about while we waited on the watch. We had a chance to talk to Ranaer. He told us that the Xanathar wanted information regarding a large sum of money his father had reportedly embezzled. He caimed to not know anything of its location. He then told us that an item called the Stone of Golorr is required to find the money. Apparently, the Zhents had it, but Lord Neverember’s lackey Dalakhar stole it from them. The watch finally concluded their investigation. The rescue of Ranaer corroborated our story, and we were released. Tymora is with us.
We returned to the Yawning portal to talk to both Volo and Yagra. While setting up these meetings, Jumanji confided in us that he had discovered a secret door in the office of the warehouse we had just left. When he investigated, he found two crates. One held valuable art, while the other was sealed too tightly to open without alerting the watch. We met with Volo and found him drunk and somewhat unhelpful, but Yagra was surprisingly eager to help us save Floon (for an equal portion of treasure.) We decided to meet in the morning at the foot of the Honorable Knight to venture into the sewers.
The next morning as we reconvened at our meeting spot, Yagra showed us to a sewer grate that would allow us entry to passages used by the Xanathar. As we climbed down the ladder, we head a familiar young voice call out, “I like cake!” Apparently, Shava had spotted and payed off a young boy acting as a lookout for the Xanathar. In the sewers, we immediately found yellow marks in chalk and decided to follow them. We marched for a long time in the foul underside of the city when we suddenly came face-to-face with a small floating head – a gazer. Shava and Boaz quickly dispatched it. The bard is quite skilled with that crossbow of his! We continued our march until we came to an intersection. Upon closer inspection, we found a murder hole with a goblin on the other side of it. We tried desperately to kill the vile thing, but before we could dispatch it, it shouted, “Bree-yark!” I can only assume it to be a alarm or battle cry of some kind. During the fight, we found that there was a second murder hole, and a second goblin. “Bree-yark!” it cried. Any hope of staying unnoticed was quickly vanishing. I only hope that these are the only two, but I must admit that I am not very confident. We need to decide which way to proceed quickly as I fear enemies are coming in response to the calls.
Great job, Jason. I assume that’s a picture of you on your last birthday?
Let’s try to make a point during/after each session to discuss some of these names. Mssr Neverember’s first name is spelled Ranaer.
Dagult Neverember’s gnome lackey is Dalakhar.
The spelling kind of doesn’t matter, except that I worry if I make reference to them in emails or other posts, it might be confusing if the spelling doesn’t match.
.. one more thing. It’s the “Stone of Golorr.”