Party arrived with Arthur at the manor house, which, of course, had been damaged in the War and has fallen further into ruin. Arthur was shocked to find it in such a state and fell into a depression.
The party continued, on foot to the Ragged Moon Tavern. There, Lady Ravensbeak, the High Guildsmaster and the representative from Aldmaar all departed on separate business.
Arthur felt, sitting, sharing an ale and some bacon, some sense of familiarily at the Tavern, though he’d never been there. He approached a spot on the stone staircase and somehow, discovered and opened a concealed door, which seemed a surprise to everyone, even Master Louvel, Tavernkeeper.
Arthur and the party descended, discovering abandoned catacombs beneath the tavern. After forcing a door, they discovered a room filled with the long-withered bodies of soldiers, having died in some long-gone skirmish. As they moved into the room, the bones clattered to life and attacked the party. One skeletal being indicated Arthur and instructed his fellows to “kill him!”
The party managed to defeat this knot of rejuvenated corpses, finding a heavy ring on the leader with a symbol of a tentacles horror embossed in its steel. Kog had fallen in the fight, and continued to struggle with a poison. The party returned to the Ragged Moon, where Louvel tracked down the Town Witch and returned with an antidote for Kog.
Returning underground on the morning, as Arthur continued to report feeling drawn towards his collapsed manor and the throne therein, hoping that these catacombs might lead him thence, the party continued their explorations and, once again ran afoul of reanimated skeletons.
Two greater skeletons, one multi-limbed, with eyes of fire lead the fight with several minions. Another, cloaked entirely in fire instructed the four-armed skeleton to pursue Arthur. As the fight proceeded, the flaming skeleton disappeared. Dixit was surrounded and brought down by the skeletons. Cut off for a time from his allies, Dixit was being dragged away by the skeleton leader. The party fought their way through the rank of skeletons and managed to engage the skeleton leader before he could make away with Dixit. The party managed to smash through the remaining skeletons, though Hammond also fell from his wounds.
Arthur was able to staunch the bleeding of the two allies and after retreating once again to the tavern, they were able to recover from their wounds.
Arthur, abashed at having caused his new inner circle so much pain, indicated that they should not further pursue the catacombs, given the evil that seems so abundant underneath. Rather, he made arrangement with Louvel to rent out his rooms to temporarily make his court at the tavern.