2025-01-21 Barony of Darkmoor Session 2

Session Notes

Arthur remained ensconced at the Ragged Moon tavern as his temporary seat of power. He immediately sent word (or word rapidly leaked out) that he was hiring laborers to conduct repairs at the tavern at least while he occupies it.
Kog identified that one or more laborers might be attempting to defraud the Baron and be paid multiple times for a single day’s labor. He quickly brought a stop to that.
Hammond volunteered to accompany Arthur to the Earl’s capital city of Gwinned to attempt to hire an engineer who might manage repairs within the Barony, especially at the Manor House. They two departed in a stage coach for a multi-day trip.
Kog remained to mind the construction efforts. Arthur seemed especially concerned that workers received prompt payment daily, for which purpose he left a large sack of coins in Kog’s care.
Arthur requested that Dixit seek out Sylvar of the Aldmaar peoples, who had been called away, it seemed, on urgent business and not yet returned.
Sylvar spent a couple days on the road, making his way to the Twisted Wood. He met the perimeter security forces, rangers in the trees, of the Aldmaars. He was then led to where Sylvar was preparing a rescue team, which he joined. It seems that a Merith Emris of the Aldmaars and his woodsy crew had set out to preempt a team of the King’s lumberjacks operating in the Wood but not returned after several days. The decision to send Sylvar and his associates to rescue Merith was far from unanimous, but Sylvar won the argument. Dixit joined this emergency team.
The Aldmaars and Sylvar made their way, tracking, through the dense forest. Crossing a cold, winter stream, they moved through a thicket and were confronted by a goblin tribe in the trees. A skirmish resulted. After regrouping, the elf team moved once again further and the goblins, this time, were willing to parlay. They reported that a group of elves had come through a few days prior, chasing a group of goblins. Both groups had moved through.
The elf group proceeded and came upon an area of loose earth, from which voices seemed to emerge. As did two large ant-beasts, which, when killed, splashed a thick glue onto those around them, temporarily immobilizing them.
After defeating the ant-beasts, the elves descended into the crude tunnels of their lair. Within, they located a sort of chamber where victims, some still clinging to life, were buried. While attempting to rescue Merith and the surviving members of his crew, the seeming ant-beast matron returned. More carnage ensued. Eventually, the elven crew defeated the great beast and managed to extricate themselves with Merith and some of his associates. And with one goblin, as well.
In Gwinned, Hammond sought out followers of San Nicholas. Befriending one such, he was brought to a hidden tavern filled with like believers.
He and Arthur would be spending at least another day in Gwinned, while Arthur sought his expert engineer.

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